
  • Chris Caraluzzi

    VU14 Co-Captain & Electrical Lead

    Chris is a senior Computer Engineering major from Sherman, Connecticut. Chris joined the team because he had a budding passion for cars and wanted to get hands on engineering experience.

  • Taylor McDermott

    VU14 Co-Captain & Powertrain Lead

    Taylor is a senior Computer Engineer from San Diego, California. She loves being on NovaRacing because of the community and the ability to build a car from start to finish.

  • Raquel Migliorino

    VU14 Chief Engineer & Chassis Lead

    Raquel is a Senior Mechanical Engineer from Montville, New Jersey. She joined the team because she likes working on cars and mountain bikes.

  • Ryan Nace

    VU14 Project Manager

    Ryan is a senior Mechanical Engineer from Toms River, New Jersey. Ryan joined the team because he likes fast cars.

  • Fiona Mass

    VU14 Driver Controls Lead

    Fiona Mass is a senior Mechanical Engineering major with a minor in Aerospace Engineering. She is a fan of motorsports and joined the team to learn more about the engineering behind it.

  • Andrew Frohock

    VU14 Business Lead

    Andrew is a senior Applied Quantitative Finance major from Inverness, Illinois. He joined NovaRacing because he loves racing and wanted to learn more about the intersection of motorsport and business.

Meet the Team


Marc Sabria Gabarro - Senior - Mechanical Engineering - Aerodynamics

Zoe Faulkner - Senior - Mechanical Engineering - Suspension

Raquel Migliorino - Senior - Mechanical Engineering - Suspension

Theo Andonyadis - Senior - Computer Engineering - Wheel Assembly

Eric Villano - Junior - Mechanical Engineering - Wheel Assembly

Ethan Rundell - Junior - Mechanical Engineering - Frame

Jimmy McCullough - Junior - Mechanical Engineering - Suspension

Cameron Compare - Sophomore - Mechanical Engineering - Aerodynamics

Joseph Koebbe - Sophomore - Mechanical Engineering - Suspension

Julia Lamparello - Sophomore - Mechanical Engineering - Aerodynamics

Luke Truscott - Sophomore - Mechanical Engineering - Wheel Assembly


Chris Caraluzzi - Senior - Computer Engineering - Electrical

Ryan Nace - Senior - Mechanical Engineering - Cooling

Taylor McDermott - Senior - Computer Engineering - Tuning

Adam Hine - Junior - Electrical Engineering - Electrical

Anthony D’Antonio - Junior - Computer Engineering - Electrical

Bolu Adesanmi - Junior - Physics - Electrical

Daniel Perez - Junior - Computer Science - Tuning

Kevin Tully - Junior - Electrical Engineering - Electrical

Parker Boss - Junior - Mechanical Engineering - Intake

Stepan Gorelenkov - Junior - Electrical Engineering - Cooling

Trevor Collins - Junior - Mechanical Engineering - Fuel

Will Stoval - Junior - Mechanical Engineering - Intake, Engine, Exhaust, Oil

Matt Silvi - Sophomore - Mechanical Engineering - Drivetrain

Rory Dwyer - Sophomore - Mechanical Engineering - Cooling

Driver Controls

Fiona Mass - Senior - Mechanical Engineering - Brakes

Michael Moran - Junior - Electrical Engineering - Ergonomics

Sola Dugbo - Junior - Computer Engineering - Ergonomics

Chase Cimaglio - Sophomore - Mechanical Engineering - Brakes


Andrew Frohock - Senior - Applied Quanititative Finance

Zoe Faulkner - Senior - Mechanical Engineering

Alex Freedman - Junior - Business

Andrew Dolan - Junior - Mechanical Engineering

Jack Boris - Junior - Finance

Max Walter - Junior - Finance, Accounting

Owen O’Loughlin - Junior - Finance, Mathematics

Christian Tsai - Sophomore - Mechanical Engineering

Christina Cikowski - Sophomore - Business