Frequently Asked Questions

What is Formula SAE?

Formula SAE is a collegiate motorsports & design competition hosted by the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE International). Teams from universities across the globe design, build, and race single seat race cars against each other in a week-long competition. Villanova’s FSAE team (NovaRacing) has been competing at Formula SAE events since 2008

Do I have to know about cars to join the team?

No! We will teach you everything that you need to know. All we require is hard work, dedication, and curiosity. NovaRacing has students from Engineering, Business, and the College of Arts & Sciences. Any major is allowed to go through the recruitment process.

How can I join?

We run recruitment each year starting early Fall semester. Any grade or major can join. Students complete 3 mini design projects to get a taste of working on various parts of the team. If you are interested in participating in recruitment, please contact us.

How fast can the car go?

The car can go up to 80mph. The car will do 0-60 mph in under 3 seconds!

When do you compete?

We compete in early summer each year at Michigan International Speedway against 120 other student FSAE teams from around the world! The dynamics events test the car’s performance and include acceleration, skidpad, autocross, and endurance. The static events include engineering design and business presentations judged by automotive industry professionals.

Do you build a new car every year?

Yes, each year we design and build a new car from scratch. However, we do build off knowledge that we gain each year.

Can I drive the car?

Every year, we hold Everybody Drives Day, where active members who have been on the team for at least a year get the opportunity to drive the car. The fastest 4-5 team members are selected to be drivers at the year’s competition.

Have a question you don’t see here?

Send us a message on any of our social media pages or send us an email at! We will try to get you an answer as soon as possible.