Our Team

Since its inception in 2008, NovaRacing has helped Villanova engineering students gain real-world design and manufacturing skills. In addition, members of NovaRacing learn the valuable skill of being on a team. All members on the engineering team design parts for the car while learning from older members. They are responsible not only for designing, but also for manufacturing. We manufacture as much as possible using the Villanova College of Engineering machine shop, but we often reach out to sponsors for more complex designs. Through this process, students get to interact with local businesses and network with them. The business team interacts with all sponsors as well as manage finances, public relations, and media. We may be a team, but we strive to be as professional as possible to prepare our members for their future careers.



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Competition Success

Each year, NovaRacing competes against international teams at the Formula SAE competition at Michigan International Speedway. In past years, the team has been steadily improving. In 2021, the team placed third place in the acceleration event and 11th overall. In 2022, the team achieved its best result yet, with another third place in acceleration, second place in endurance, first in fuel efficiency, leading to an overall second place victory. For the first time in 2022, NovaRacing placed in the top ten for design and was invited to the design finals, which was an invaluable learning experience.

Through the Years